Why Does Audio/Visual Cost So Much at Conferences?

Hybrid Events
Event Production Tips
Posted on Sep 21, 2023

“Why does audio/visual cost so much at conferences?”

I hear that question all the time.

It seems like every event team is always being asked to do more with less.

Which means very often, AV budgets are the ones targeted for slashing.

On the surface, if you just see our fancy lights and bright projectors, the whole package might seem excessive.

Are A/V companies just gouging you because they can, knowing you need sound and projectors for your conference?

Or are they trying to do their best to make sure your event looks, sounds, and feels like the experience your attendees deserve… or crave to be immersed in?

In many cases, the A/V budget gets slashed because the audio/visual component isn’t given the attention it deserves.

Some see A/V as, “oh right, we need some projectors and mics.”

But done with purpose, your event’s audio/visual can take your conference from bland to memorable.

You’ve no doubt been to a conference where every expense was spared.

No lighting. “Just the room lights will do.”

Minimum speakers. Or perhaps those tinny-sounding in-the-ceiling speakers. “We only have one or two presenters at a time and need a little background music.”

Projector sitting out front of the screen. And it’s not zoomed in enough, so you see lots of black border around the picture.

All of these scream low production value.

Worse, it screams that whoever is putting on this event is a cheapskate.

The reason that AV can be expensive is because it’s complex. And the gear is expensive. And there’s a lot of people involved to set everything up.


I contend AV isn’t expensive.

It’s an investment.

It’s an investment into your event’s experience.

When I’m brought into an event, no matter whether it’s a conference, live stream, or trade show, I’m not just thinking about what tech is needed to pull everything off.

I’m thinking about how the lights behind the stage will match the company’s colors.

I’m thinking about what logos and branding needs to go on screen between sessions.

I’m thinking about how the sound system needs to be tweaked so we create ambiance while people chat.

I’m thinking about using a thin headset microphone that’s flesh-colored, so the CEO sounds like the confident leader they are without having an obvious mic attached to them.

Your AV is a critical part of your event’s experience.

It’s your chance to put on a show.

Yes, we have to balance out cost versus benefit. Not every event needs hundreds of lights and a sound system that would make Van Halen blush.

But with your event goals in mind and a tech expert in your corner… like me… who can speak to the A/V folks and translate your event vision into a reality… you can turn your audio/visual into an investment.

So, think of your AV spend as an investment.

It’s your chance to wow your attendees. To make them feel like they’re part of something special.

Give your attendees an experience to remember, and they’ll be back next year.

If you’re looking for an event production team that will take care of all the A/V, live streaming, and production for your next conference, give us a shout.

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