Zoom Breakout Mastery Guide: How to Craft Virtual Networking Events That Are as Engaging as In-Person, Maximizing Attendee Satisfaction and ROI

Virtual Events

Did you know that you can use Zoom to run networking events?

I’ve done this for many clients. From trade shows to networking, you can use Zoom to host networking events.

A key feature to this is Breakout Rooms. Breakout rooms allow you to split up your attendees by topic into smaller meetings within a larger Zoom meeting. 

In the past, while you could assign people to breakout rooms manually, it was a chore.

Now, you can create Breakout Rooms from poll results.

For example, imagine you had a networking event where people could choose which topic area they were most interested in.

This is exactly what we did for Client Ascension’s Team Andy x Team Sheni event.

If you want to find out exactly how to set this up yourself, grab our FREE guide below.

Grab Your Guide Here

This free 28-page guide is packed with expert advice, step-by-step instructions, and real-world examples to help you navigate Zoom’s features and create a seamless, memorable, and profitable experience for your attendees.

Why You Need This Guide:

  • Simplify Breakout Room Assignments: Learn how to use Zoom polls to automatically sort participants into breakout sessions based on their interests, ensuring everyone is engaged and in the right place.
  • Enhance Interaction: Discover tips and tricks for facilitating vibrant discussions, including managing screen sharing, muting protocols, and camera usage within breakout rooms.
  • Real-World Application: Gain insights from a detailed case study of a successful networking event we designed, complete with agenda formats, facilitator guides, and strategies for maximizing participant interaction and collaboration.

What’s Covered in This Guide

  • Step-by-step instructions on which Zoom settings need to be turned on for your breakouts.
  • How to leverage polls to auto-create and auto-assign attendees to breakout sessions.
  • What the attendee and facilitator experience look like.
  • Best practices for running a breakout event.
  • A full facilitator guide, including agenda, speaking notes, and timings.

Whether you’re looking to host virtual trade shows, team-building sessions, or industry-specific networking events, this guide provides all the tools you need to host memorable and impactful virtual gatherings.

Grab Your Guide Here

…and of course, if you would like someone else to run your networking event for you, book a call with us.